What the List Colours mean in Salesmatrix SWOT

The following is a brief key to the colours used in the customer and product lists in Salesmatrix SWOT.

Key to Bullet Points in Customer and Product Lists

Salesmatrix SWOT App Bullet Colour
Web site
 • Backgound is light Green Ranked in revenue, the customer is in the list of customers generating the top 80% of revenue
 • Backgound is light Yellow Ranked in revenue, the customer is in the list of customers generating 80%-95% (15%) of revenue
 • Backgound is light Red Ranked in revenue, the customer is in the list of customers generating in bottom 5% of revenue
 •  Backgound is white. Text is normal This customer only bought once/not high dollars
 • Backgound is white, Text is Bold, Italics  This is a prospect or a former customer who has not bought from us in the past 2 years.

Key to Text Colour

Salesmatrix SWOT App Text Colour
Web site
Text Colour
Customer Margin % is:
Green Green above one std deviation from avg margin %
Red Red below one std deviation from avg margin %
Black Black within one std deviation from avg margin %

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